Welcome to LightWave! The following is Late breaking news on the use of Lightwave and Modeler. Layout Scene Menu Scene Overview (Integer Version ONLY): A system crash can occur in the scene menu. When selecting items in the Scene Overview list, the system will shut down if the name of the item is clicked with the left mouse button. Avoid this by selecting the icon of the item you wish to select (ie. small camera, small light, the dot for objects). This bug will be corrected in the future. Layout Scene Menu Abort Scene Load: If you abort loading a scene by pressing the ESC key, make sure the 'Clear Scene' button is selected next. Failing to do so may cause a software failure. Layout Record Menu Render Display-HAM mode: When the Render Display is set for 6-bit HAM & 8-bit HAM, Lightwave will render in the default grey-scale mode. Following the completion of the current image section, the HAM screen will be displayed. A single click with the left mouse button will return you to the grey-scale display. The HAM screen does remain open and continues to be updated. To view the HAM image at any time, simply use the Left Amiga + M combination to cycle through the currently available screens until you reach the HAM display. Layout Options Menu Layout Interface: The higher resolution interface modes in the Options menu are for use only with 3rd party display cards. Layout Objects Menu Clip Maps: The example of clip mapping given in the manual is a little misleading. The black portion of a clip map image does not get cut out of a polygon surface. The reverse is actually true. The clip map image used in the example is a black letter 'c' on a white background. See page 22 of LightWave Layout Objects. Addendum Update Missing Font: The Softmaker font "Caslon Antique" is not included with this software set. It did not work properly with the Modeler and was left out to avoid any problems. Chris Richardson Tech Support Manager